High mobilitY Printed nEtwoRks of 2D Semiconductors for advanced electrONICs

Latest News

06/09/2024 Jack Doran and Finn Huonder join HYPERSONIC as a PhD Students at TCD. Welcome aboard, Jack and Finn!

02/09/2024 Irene Priolo joins HYPERSONIC as a PhD Student at UNISTRA. Welcome aboard, Irene!

02/09/2024 Dr. Maria Batuk joins HYPERSONIC as a Postdoctoral Researcher at UANTWERPEN. Welcome aboard, Maria!

07/08/2024 New paper in Nanoscale Horizons by HYPERSONIC partners from TCD! Read more.

04/07/2024 First paper in ACS Nano by HYPERSONIC partners from UNISTRA and UANTWERPEN! Read more.